Afterschool Programs

When school is out...
High Touch High Tech science programs are in!

High Touch High Tech offers Science Programs that tap into children's natural curiosity to help make learning FUN! Our supplies and equipment encourage hands-on learning for all children from Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth grade.

Our programs last for 30 minutes. We can provide as many 30 minute programs as necessary to meet the needs of your school. Scientists will engage each group of children in FUN, hands-on experiments. All programs provide take home materials and are based off a S.T.E.A.M. curriculum. Engaging and exciting programming for special needs children also available.

The cost of this science experience is $4.00 per child, with a 60 student ($240.00) program minimum. All materials are included in this supply intensive, educational and FUN program.

Reserve your Early Release Dates NOW!
Space is Limited!

High Touch High Tech is an Approved Vendor!

Put some science into your Afterschool program and call today or simply complete our Reservation Request Form

Science Programs for Kids


Encourage science discovery in children around the world!

Afterschool Sample Programs

Learn the difference between a bug and a spider. Examine real bugs and see for yourself how an insect really sees the world. Make a bug that you can even EAT!

Explore the exciting world of electricity. Make an electroscope and more! Discover all the Hair-Raising facts!

Roll up your sleeves for some CHEMISTRY FUN! Make your very own sidewalk chalk and more!

Pull out your psychedelic glasses to meet ROY G. BIV. Learn all the groovy news about light and how it travels. Develop your own Solar Picture.

Become a mechanic, a Newtonian Mechanic that is! Learn all about those incredible forces. Have fun as we experience the laws of physics.

Discover how cool plants really are. Build your very own greenhouse, see an embryo, and get all the “seedy” facts.

To view our complete list of available Afterschool programs, please click on the link below.

Afterschool Program Guide

Science Programs for Kids


Investigate how fun and interesting science can be through hands-on learning!

Afterschool Enrichment Programs

Afterschool Enrichments meet for 1-hour each week over an 8-12 week period and can accommodate any facility or number of children.

Our enrichment programs are perfect for public or private schools, as well as non-traditional afterschool sites such as community centers or public libraries. We can customize the curriculum to meet your programming needs regardless of age or grade.

Reserve your Early Release Dates NOW!
Space is Limited!

High Touch High Tech is an Approved Vendor!

$55 Monthly Enrollment Fee (Heritage Elementary Science Club)

$20 per student/per session

Q: Can I pay for a High Touch High Tech Afterschool Programs with grant dollars
A: Yes. Many High Touch High Tech programs have been paid for with grant dollars received via the 21st Century Grant, Eisenhower Grant and several Local & State Grants.

Q: How should I set up my facility in preparation for the Scientist?
A: Our Scientists can conduct hands-on science programs where ever children are gathered and excited to learn! Participants will simply need a level surface on which to work (i.e. table top, floor space, etc.). Note that some programs may require access to water; therefore, access to a sink and tap would also be helpful.

We provide all the tools you need to implement a successful, hassle-free Science Enrichment for your school - Get Started Today!

We look forward to visiting your Afterschool Program soon!

Science Programs for Kids


Involve students by becoming REAL scientists performing REAL experiments!

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